杨博炜(b.1994,中国杭州)现工作生活往返杭州与伦敦。2017 年,他于北京电影学院摄影学院获得艺术学士学位,2021 年,在英国皇家艺术学院摄影系获 得艺术硕士学位。

  博炜的创作根植于摄影本体论研究与酷儿身份的在地文化调研,关注影像叙事里 虚构和符号在不同语境的被感知。他多从伤痛记忆出发,通过导演的行为拆解纪实影像的叙事表达,寻找个人身份与不同集体认知,集体创伤与集体身份认同之间的归属与联系。他的部分展览经历包括:“Renew:A Recent Survey in Chinese Contemporary Photography”, Eli Klein Gallery,纽约, 2022; “La nuit et la forêt”, cusp. Space, 杭州, 2022; “ART’N DIOR”, 深圳当代艺术与城市规划馆, 深圳, 2021; “Double visian& After The High Tide”, The Cromwell Place, 伦敦, 2021; “Final, not Over - again”, the Unit 1 Gallery, 伦敦, 2021; “Emerging Talent 2019”, Galerie Joseph, 巴黎, 2019. 并曾入围 FOAM Talent 2021,英国摄影日报国际摄影奖Runner-up, 2020 迪奥摄影与视觉青年艺术家奖,PHmuseum 2020 摄影新生代创作者,Gomma 2019 摄影奖, AIN-T BAD 第一本摄影书奖,Lensculture 2019 新锐摄影师奖等。

  Bowei Yang (b.1994 Hangzhou China) now lives and works between Hangzhou and London. By mainly focusing on the subject of the native queer culture, his work not only documents the contemporary queers living in China combined with staged memories of personal intimate experience, but he also tries to query the self-identity in awareness of diverse collective identifications and traumas. His works are mostly inspired by literature, psychoanalysis of Jung and are constructed to ponder the relationship between fictitious documents and semiotics through studying the ontology of photography.

  He received his Bachelor's Degree in Photography from Beijing Film Academy in 2017 and graduated from Royal College of Art in London in 2021. His group exhibitions include: “Renew : A Recent Survey in Chinese Contemporary Photography”, Eli Klein Gallery, New York, 2022; “La nuit et la forêt”, cusp. Space, Hangzhou, 2022; “ART’N DIOR”, Shenzhen Museum of Contemporary Art and Urban, Shenzhen, 2021; “Double visian& After The High Tide”, The Cromwell Place, London, 2021; “Final, not Over - again”, the Unit 1 Gallery, London, 2021; “Emerging Talent 2019”, Galerie Joseph, Paris, 2019. He was named by the Foam Talent 2021, the Dior Photography and Visual Arts Award for Young Talents 2020, PHmuseum 2020 Photography Grand new generation prize honorable mention. His work has been published in: Foam Magazine, Modern Weekly Style Magazine, IGNANT Magazine, China Daily, among others.
Email: bowayyoung@gmail.com
Instagram: @bowayoung